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The presence of coral in the sea


This research focuses on workable coral species :
corallium rubrum, corallium japonicum, corallium elatius, corallium secundum , corallium konjoi.
The first coral is present in the Mediterranean Sea, the other four are found
in the Pacific Ocean.
The development of coral populations and their existence are mainly determined by four factors:
1] HYDRODYNAMISM the continuous mixing of the waters,it is essential for the development of life in the sea.
2]TEMPERATURE coral develops mainly in environments that remain below the thermocline. This demarcation layer is
an imaginary line that separates the zone of surface water heated by the sun, from the deep one not reached by the light.
3]BRIGHTNESS being a sciaphilous species that does not like direct sunlight, coral colonizes mainly in shady locations.
4] SLOPE AND EXPOSURE OF THE WALL affect hydrodynamics and light, consequently coral growth is greater in the deeper cavities.

where coral lives?

Coral lives and reproduces in a marine ecosystem, it is a species with colonies which generally branch dividing into two parts,on one or more levels.
The study of the shapes of the specimens,varies according to the characteristics
environmental and geographical; at low depth we find small colonies with little branching,in the most exposed areas of the caves they are arborescent on a single level while inside the cavities they branch out at different heights. On the branches there are very small white polyps, when they extend the tiny tentacles they measure a few millimeters. The ramifications of the coral sapling are hard and consistent because they have a limestone framework;
this is covered by a bark called cenosarco. Both the skeleton and the bark have the same color, but that of the skeletal scaffold is more alive. On the cenosarco there are numerous holes, these are the niches inhabited by very small polyps with eight retractable tentacles. Thanks to a series of internal channels that run from one end of the colony to the other,all polyps are in contact with each other and can share food.

what coral is made of and what its color is due to?

The main substance that constitutes the skeletal framework of the colony is represented by calcium carbonate in the form of calcite; then there is calcium sulphate, magnesium carbonate,sodium sulphate and finally magnesium chloride. In addition to salts, silicic acid and an infinitesimal part of iodine are found in small quantities. On the substance that gives coral its color, it is considered linked to the place of origin and that it is organic in nature. Coral is sometimes subject to the action of so-called woodworms, so called for the effect they produce. Coral woodworms are mainly represented by microscopic perforating sponges that have a litholytic action, that is, they dissolve by their evidently acid secretion, the calcareous substance of the skeleton thus digging tunnels parallel to the scaffolding of the coral corm or sapling.

characteristics of the various coral species

A hint of the characteristics of these valuable corals:
CORAL RUBRUM This coral is found in the central and western area of ​​the Mediterranean Sea and is a species of great historical value. In Italy it is present in Sardinia in large shoals and on the island of Maddalena,up to Alghero; it is present in Sicily and in the coastal regions of our peninsula up to Tuscany. It has an intense red color and is found at depths between fifty and two hundred meters.
CORALLIUM JAPONICUM This species is mainly localized in the waters off the Japanese coast between Taiwan and Okinawa and colonizes at depths ranging from one hundred to three hundred meters.. Here in Italy it is called Moro, while in Japan it is called Aka. Its color starts from a dark red to arrive at a strongly dark red.
CORALLIUM ELATIUS This coral reproduces in the waters of the Pacific Ocean near the Philippines and between Okinawa and Taiwan; the colonies are found at depths ranging from one hundred and fifty to four hundred meters. In Italy it is known with the name Cerasuolo, while in Asia they call it Momo. It is generally red in color but can reach shades of a strong orange. Of the Elatius coral there is the much appreciated variety Pelle d’Angelo-Boke,with different shades of pale pink.
CORALLIUM SECUNDUM This coral species was discovered in the 1960s; it is found throughout the Midway archipelago at depths of over four hundred meters and also takes the name of Midway or Rosé coral. The color shades vary from white to light pink to spotted pink.
CORALLIUM KONJOI This coral is present in the waters of the Pacific Ocean from Japan to Okinawa to the Philippines. It can be found at depths ranging from one hundred to two hundred meters. In Japan it is called Shiro while in Italy it is called Bianco;it comes in natural colors of white or white with pink flecks.

As with all valuables, coral has also been targeted with the marketing of fakes. To protect yourself from unpleasant situations if you are not an expert on the subject, you have to buy safely, by competent people in love with their profession; to ask questions and ask for explanations on the coral jewel. Availability along with clarity, they are a resource to draw on to put an authentic piece of value in the casket of desires that does not frustrate expectations but brings happiness every time you wear it.